At Heroes Academy SA, we uphold a zero-tolerance approach to any type of child abuse. We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all children under our care. Our institution recognizes the importance of safeguarding the well-being and rights of every child, and we strive to create an atmosphere that promotes their holistic development and protection.

To fulfill this commitment, we have implemented a comprehensive Child Safeguarding Policy that outlines our principles, guidelines, and procedures for ensuring the safety and security of all children within our program.

This policy is designed to be in accordance with international standards and best practices for child protection, and it serves as a framework for our staff, volunteers, and stakeholders to uphold the highest standards of child safeguarding. By fostering a culture of vigilance and accountability, we aim to create an environment where children can learn, grow, and thrive without the threat of harm or exploitation.

Through the collaborative efforts of our dedicated team and the active engagement of our community, we are determined to maintain a zero-tolerance approach towards any form of abuse, neglect, or mistreatment of children. We are committed to continuous improvement and regular review of our policies and practices to ensure that we are consistently providing a safe and secure environment that promotes the well-being of every child associated with Heroes Academy SA.

This Child Safeguarding Policy serves as a cornerstone of our commitment to protecting the rights and dignity of every child, and it reflects our unwavering dedication to creating an environment where children can feel safe, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.


ChildA child is defined as anyone under 18 years of age.
Child AbuseChild abuse encompasses actions or omissions by individuals, institutions, or processes that directly or indirectly cause harm to children or compromise their potential for secure and healthy development into adulthood. The primary classifications of child abuse include physical abuse, emotional abuse, exploitation, neglect/negligent treatment, and sexual exploitation and abuse.
Child SafeguardingChild safeguarding at Heroes Academy SA refers to the proactive measures taken to ensure the safety of children within our organization. It entails both collective and individual responsibilities, involving preventative actions to mitigate the risk of deliberate or unintentional harm by representatives of Heroes Academy SA. This safeguarding effort is executed through the development and implementation of a comprehensive set of policies, procedures, and practices. These measures are designed to prioritize and uphold the safety of each child in all aspects of the organization’s functioning.
Emotional AbuseEmotional abuse entails actions that detrimentally affect a child’s emotional, intellectual, mental, or psychological development. It can manifest as an isolated incident or persist over time. Examples of emotional abuse encompass but are not limited to humiliating or degrading treatment, such as name-calling, threats, yelling, screaming, cursing, teasing, constant criticism, belittling, and persistent shaming. Emotional abuse also includes the failure to address a child’s emotional needs, rejecting or ignoring them, instilling fear, isolating or confining them, and diminishing or attacking their identity.
Emergency Response Team (ERT)The role and responsibilities of the Emergency Response Team at Heroes Academy SA. The team serves as the central authority responsible for overseeing all matters related to the participants of the Heroes Academy program, ensuring the utmost confidentiality in handling sensitive information. The primary function is to provide guidance and support to the organization’s facilitators on a case-by-case basis, maintaining confidentiality protocols. With a commitment to ensuring the seamless implementation of program protocols, we foster an environment of safety and well-being for all involved. Through a framework of transparent communication and proactive engagement, we strive to create a culture of responsiveness and excellence within the Academy. The ERT is responsible for thorough follow-up, timely interventions, and compassionate assistance for each case, relieving facilitators of overwhelming case management to focus on workshop responsibilities.The ERT utilizes various follow-up methods, including communicating with parents and participants via phone calls, contacting schools, conducting school visits, scheduling psychosocial sessions, and arranging meetings with parents.Evaluating changes in participant behavior, such as improved discipline and engagement or reduced involvement in negative activities, is an integral part of ERT’s monitoring process.The team monitors personal development and growth, providing ongoing support through resource provisions and referrals to community services that cater to participants’ needs.
ExploitationExploitation is the act or attempt to misuse a position of vulnerability, power differential, or trust for the personal gain of an individual utilizing their authority, power, privilege, or wealth. This may involve enticing, manipulating, coercing, or
 employing trickery to involve a child in labor, domestic servitude, forced criminality, soldiering, organ harvesting, or activities compromising the child’s dignity, all for the financial or reputational benefit of an organization or individual. Typically, the exploitation of a child is driven by motives to profit monetarily, socially, or politically. It can occur with one or a group of children, within or outside the community, and even internationally. Examples of child exploitation include but are not limited to, domestic servitude (e.g., cleaning, childcare, cooking), photographing distressed children for donation purposes, forced labour (commonly in factories or agriculture), engaging children in criminal activities, utilizing children for fraudulent purposes, and coercing them into becoming child soldiers or joining gangs.
NeglectNeglect encompasses a range of actions, including but not limited to the failure to supply sufficient food, adequate shelter, or seasonally appropriate clothing. It also involves neglecting to prevent harm, ensuring proper supervision, securing access to appropriate medical care or treatment, and abstaining from administering unauthorized medical treatments, such as medication. Additionally, neglect encompasses the failure to create a safe physical environment for the child.
Partner PolicyThe Heroes Academy SA Partner Policy serves as a formal agreement between Heroes Academy SA and its subcontractors, vendors, and service providers. This policy outlines the dynamics of the relationship, specifies interaction dates, and includes crucial information regarding Heroes Academy SA’s Child Safeguarding and Child Protection policy.
Physical AbusePhysical abuse is the intentional or unintentional use of physical force that poses a risk of or results in actual harm to a child. This can encompass actions such as hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or any other deliberate non-accidental act causing physical harm to a child. Additionally, physical harm may occur when a caregiver fabricates symptoms or intentionally induces illness, resulting in temporary or permanent injury or disability to the child.
RepresentativeA representative at Heroes Academy SA encompasses individuals such as employees, facilitators, staff, volunteers, interns, board members, and others who, on behalf of Heroes Academy SA, engage with children, participate in Heroes Academy SA workshops, or have access to sensitive information regarding children in the Heroes program.
Sexual AbuseSexual abuse is the engagement of a child in sexual activities, regardless of the child’s awareness of the situation. These activities may entail physical contact, encompassing assault by penetration (e.g., rape or oral sex), or non-penetrative acts like masturbation, kissing, rubbing, and touching outside of clothing. Additionally, non-contact activities may involve
 exposing children to sexual images, encouraging them to engage in sexually inappropriate behavior, or grooming a child for abuse, including through online means. It is important to note that sexual abuse is not exclusive to adult males, as women and other children can also perpetrate such acts.
Sexual exploitationChild sexual exploitation is a manifestation of sexual abuse that transpires when an individual or a group exploits an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate, or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into engaging in sexual activity. This exploitation may occur (a) in exchange for something the victim needs or desires and/or (b) for the financial advantage or increased status of the perpetrator or facilitator. It is crucial to recognize that a victim may be sexually exploited even if the apparent consent is given. Child sexual exploitation is not limited to situations involving physical contact; it can also manifest through the use of technology. Within Heroes Academy SA, the scope of child sexual abuse and exploitation extends to encompass child early and forced marriage.
Zero ToleranceAt Heroes Academy SA, we foster a culture of zero tolerance towards all types of abuse and mistreatment. This commitment signifies that every concern raised will receive a comprehensive response, and when required, swift action will be taken. This includes conducting investigations and implementing disciplinary measures, as applicable. We are dedicated to holding our representatives accountable, ensuring they adhere to the same set standards of zero tolerance for any form of abuse or mistreatment.

Heroes Academy SA is unwavering in its commitment to children by:

  1. Ensuring Safety:
    1. Conducting programs and operations in a manner that prioritizes the safety of the children it serves.
    1. Taking measures to safeguard and protect children with whom Heroes Academy is in contact.
  2. Prohibiting Child Abuse:
    1. Explicitly prohibiting representatives from engaging in any activities that may lead to any form of child abuse.
  3. Creating a Protective Environment:
    1. Expecting representatives to actively create and maintain an environment that prevents and deters any actions, whether deliberate or inadvertent, placing children at risk of abuse.
  4. Enforcing Policy Violations:
    1. Treating any violation of this policy as a serious infraction.

Heroes Academy SA is dedicated to upholding these principles to create a secure and nurturing environment for all children involved with the organization.

Heroes Academy SA complies with all applicable Laws and Regulations;

Heroes Academy SA maintains a strict prohibition against any form of sexual activity involving children, with the following key principles:

  1. Age Definition:
    1. Acknowledging that any individual under the age of 18 is considered a child and is deemed underage, irrespective of the legal age of consent in their jurisdiction or country.
  2. Serious Infraction and Disciplinary Action:
    1. Treating any sexual activity with a child, whether with or without their consent, as a grave infraction.
    1. Imposing disciplinary action, up to and including termination, in response to such violations.
    1. Pursuing any other available legal remedy to address the seriousness of the offense.

The management of Heroes Academy SA is dedicated to taking all necessary corrective measures in response to any violation of the Child Safeguarding policy. This commitment entails initiating disciplinary, legal, or other applicable actions against any individual found to have committed a Child Safeguarding violation. Moreover, the same measures will be applied to anyone who was aware of such a violation and failed to take appropriate action or report it. This proactive approach ensures accountability and underscores the organization’s unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of children under its care.

Policy on Confidentiality in Child Safeguarding Matters at Heroes Academy SA:

  1. Respectful and Professional Handling:
    1. Heroes Academy SA is committed to managing sensitive information in a manner that is both respectful and professional, adhering to applicable laws.

This policy ensures the secure and confidential handling of child safeguarding matters, promoting a culture of trust, protection, and compliance with legal standards at Heroes Academy SA.

Policy on Information sharing within the internal structure of Heroes Academy SA

To seek permission from a participant for sharing information within the internal structure of Heroes Academy SA with the aim of maximizing benefits and achieving positive outcomes, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Clear Communication:
    1. Clearly communicate the purpose and benefits of sharing the information within the organization’s structure.
  2. Informed Consent:
    1. Obtain informed consent from the participant before sharing any specific information.
    1. Ensure that the participant understands what information will be shared, with whom, and for what purpose.
  3. Transparency:
    1. Be transparent about the internal processes and structures within Heroes Academy SA that will be involved in handling the shared information.
    1. Address any concerns the participant may have regarding privacy or confidentiality.
  4. Empowerment and Choice:
    1. Empower the participant by allowing them to make an informed decision regarding the sharing of their information.
    1. Clearly outline that their consent is voluntary, and they have the choice to opt-in or opt-out.
  5. Privacy Protection:
    1. Assure the participant that the shared information will be handled with the utmost care and in accordance with data protection and confidentiality policies.
  6. Periodic Review:
    1. Periodically review and reaffirm the participant’s consent to ensure ongoing agreement with the sharing of information.

By following these steps, Heroes Academy SA can establish a respectful and transparent process for obtaining participant consent to share information within the organization’s structure, fostering a collaborative and positive environment.

Summary of Key Procedures at Heroes Academy SA:

  1. Two-Adult Rule:
    1. The ‘Two-Adult Rule’ is implemented wherever possible, ensuring that two or more adults supervise all activities involving children. In cases where this is not feasible, representatives must proactively plan and implement measures to mitigate the risk of not having two adults present.
  2. Prohibited Actions by Representatives: Representatives must never:
    1. Act in a manner that may be abusive or place children at risk.
    1. Physically assault, hit, or abuse children, or threaten to do so.
    1. Engage in physically inappropriate or sexually provocative behavior.
    1. Have a sexual relationship with anyone under the age of 18, irrespective of the age of consent or local custom.
    1. Stay alone overnight with children benefiting from Heroes Academy SA programs who are not part of their family.
    1. Have a child engaged in Heroes Academy SA programs who is not part of their family stay overnight at their home.
    1. Sleep in the same bed or room as a child engaged in Heroes Academy SA programs who is not part of their family.
    1. Develop relationships with children that could be deemed exploitative or abusive.
    1. Use inappropriate, offensive, or abusive language, suggestions, or advice with children.
    1. Condone or participate in unsafe or illegal behavior by children.
    1. Engage in actions that shame, humiliate, belittle, or degrade children, perpetrating any form of emotional abuse.
    1. Discriminate against or show unfair preferential treatment toward certain children, excluding others.
    1. Meet children away from other adults outside the workshop time frame or spend excessive time alone with a child engaged in Heroes Academy SA activities in a manner that could be interpreted as inappropriate.
    1. Expose children to inappropriate images, films, music, and websites, including mature content, indecent images (pornography), and violence.

These procedures are in place to ensure the safety, well-being, and protection of children involved in Heroes Academy SA programs, and any violation will be treated seriously with appropriate measures, including disciplinary actions and legal remedies.

Policy on Photography and Video Recording of Children by Facilitators of Heroes Academy SA Program

  1. Purpose and Scope:
    1. The purpose of this policy is to regulate the photography and video recording of children by facilitators of the Heroes Academy SA program.
  1. This policy is designed to ensure the protection and privacy of children while allowing for documentation of program activities for organizational purposes.
  2. Authorized Use of Photography and Video Recording:
    1. Facilitators of the Heroes Academy SA program are authorized to take photographs and record videos of children solely for the purpose of documenting program activities and achievements.
    1. The use of these photographs and videos is restricted to official organizational use and may be used for promotional and documentation purposes only.
  3. Prohibited Use of Photography and Video Recording:
    1. Facilitators are strictly prohibited from using the photographs and videos for personal or private use, including but not limited to personal social media platforms.
    1. It is prohibited to share or distribute photographs or videos for any commercial or personal purposes without the explicit written consent of the organization.
  4. Data Security and Privacy:
    1. All photographs and videos must be stored securely on designated organizational servers and not on personal devices.
    1. Access to these photographs and videos is limited to authorized personnel and shall not be shared with individuals outside of the organization without prior approval.
  5. Compliance and Enforcement:
    1. Non-compliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, or legal action in cases of severe violation.
    1. Facilitators must undergo training on this policy and adhere to the policy guidelines.
  6. Review and Amendments:
    1. This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.
    1. Amendments to the policy may be made with the approval of the management and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations governing the protection of minors and data privacy.

By adhering to this policy, we prioritize the safety and privacy of the children under our care while fulfilling our organizational obligations to document and showcase the positive impact of the Heroes Academy SA program.


This agreement extends to Partners, including but not limited to vendors, suppliers, consultants, and others (‘Partners’), who have direct contact with participants of Heroes Academy SA, irrespective of whether the services or products provided are exchanged for assets. The following stipulations apply:

  1. Incorporation of Child Safeguarding Requirements:
    1. All agreements with Partners must explicitly incorporate the provisions of Heroes Academy SA’s Child Safeguarding policy.
  2. Compliance with Donor-Imposed Requirements:
    1. Partners who receive funds from donors that have specific Child Safeguarding requirements must ensure compliance with those stipulations.
    1. Any conditions or obligations imposed by donors related to Child Safeguarding must be upheld by the Partners in their interactions with Heroes Academy SA participants.

This agreement underscores the commitment of Heroes Academy SA to ensure that all entities and individuals in direct contact with its participants uphold the principles and standards outlined in the Child Safeguarding policy, fostering a secure and protective environment for the welfare of children involved in its programs.


During project visits involving children, all Representatives are bound by our Program Visit Child Safeguarding guidelines. The following procedures are in place:

  1. Acknowledgment of Child Safeguarding Policy:
    1. All Representatives intending to visit the workshop as part of the Heroes Academy Program must sign an acknowledgment of the Child Safeguarding policy as a prerequisite for their visit.
  2. Verbal Briefing on Conduct:
    1. Prior to the visit, a verbal briefing will be conducted for all visitors, outlining the expectations of appropriate conduct in the context of child protection.
  3. Accompaniment by Heroes Academy Staff:
    1. All visitors are required to be accompanied by Heroes Academy staff throughout the entire duration of their visit.

These measures are in place to ensure that all Representatives and visitors are aware of and adhere to the Child Safeguarding guidelines, promoting a safe and secure environment for children involved in the Heroes Academy Program during project visits.

Cell phone Photography and Video Recording Policy for Visitors at Heroes Academy SA Workshop

Policy Statement:

Heroes Academy SA recognizes the importance of maintaining a secure and confidential environment within our workshop premises. To safeguard the privacy of our staff, students, and the sensitive activities conducted on-site, this policy is aimed at regulating the use of personal cell phones for photography or video recording by visitors. Prior consent must be obtained before any such activities take place within the workshop area.

Policy Details:

  1. Restriction on Cell Phone Usage: Visitors are strictly prohibited from using personal cell phones for photography or video recording within the workshop premises without obtaining prior written consent from Heroes Academy SA. This policy applies to all individuals visiting the workshop, including but not limited to parents, guests, and external vendors.

be informed of the violations and necessary action will be taken as outlined in the policy.

Compliance and Enforcement:

All visitors are required to adhere to this policy and cooperate with the workshop management and staff to maintain the confidentiality and security of the workshop environment. Violation of this policy may result in the visitor being asked to leave the premises and may also lead to further legal action if deemed necessary.

Heroes Academy SA appreciates the support and cooperation of all visitors in upholding the integrity of our workshop and the privacy of our staff and students.


Training and Prevention


Child Safeguarding Reporting Procedures at Heroes Academy SA:

  1. Immediate Danger or Harm:
    1. In the event that a child is in immediate danger or harm, it is mandatory to report the situation to local authorities without delay.
  2. Reporting Timeframe for Concerns:
    1. For all other concerns related to child safeguarding, representatives must report them to The Emergency Response Team within 24 hours of becoming aware of the issue.
  3. Mandated Reporting for Violence, Abuse, and Neglect:
    1. In cases involving violence, abuse (physical and/or sexual), and/or neglect, ‘Mandated Reporting’ is mandatory.
    1. Form 22 of the Department of Social Development must be completed and submitted to the Department within 48 hours of the reported incident.

These reporting procedures are integral to ensuring the prompt and appropriate response to any child safeguarding concerns or incidents, aligning with the commitment of Heroes Academy SA to the safety and well-being of the children involved in its programs.


Responsibilities and Cooperation in Child Safeguarding Investigations at Heroes Academy SA:

  1. Emergency Response Team Accountability:
    1. The Emergency Response Team holds accountability for conducting thorough investigations into child safeguarding concerns.
    1. This involves interviewing all involved Heroes Academy SA personnel and formulating recommendations that will inform necessary corrective actions and remedial measures.
  2. Cooperation of Representatives:
    1. All representatives covered by this policy are obligated to fully cooperate with any investigation or inquiry conducted by The Emergency Response Team.
    1. It is essential for representatives to preserve all records related to any alleged violation of the Child Safeguarding Policy.

This framework ensures a comprehensive and collaborative approach to investigations, fostering accountability, transparency, and the swift implementation of corrective actions to address any child safeguarding issues within Heroes Academy SA.



Follow-up Procedures at Heroes Academy SA:

  1. Post-Workshop Follow-ups:
    1. Post-workshop follow-ups are conducted discreetly in a secluded space away from the group environment to maintain confidentiality.

These follow-up procedures are designed to uphold confidentiality, respect participant autonomy, and ensure appropriate support and intervention through the Heroes Emergency Response Team when deemed necessary.

Post-Session De-Brief Procedures at Heroes Academy SA:

  1. Purpose of De-Brief:
    1. Facilitators gather at the Heroes Academy office for a post-session de-brief.
    1. The primary objective is to facilitate knowledge sharing among facilitators.
    1. Facilitators share both positive and negative feedback from the workshop sessions.
    1. The de-brief session is an opportunity to collaboratively plan future workshops based on insights gained from previous sessions.
  2. Privacy Protection:
    1. To safeguard participant privacy, facilitators use neutral terms such as “the boy,” “a hero,” or “the participant” when referring to individuals under follow-up.
    1. Individual identities under follow-up are not disclosed during the de-briefing process.
  3. Urgent Cases and Child Safeguarding Incidents:
    1. In urgent cases involving abuse, trauma, or neglect, facilitators are required to follow the Reporting and Responding Child Safeguarding Incidents procedure.
    1. Compliance with Heroes Academy SA’s policy on information sharing within the internal structure is mandated for swift and appropriate responses.

These de-brief procedures contribute to a collaborative learning environment, protect participant privacy, and ensure that urgent cases are handled promptly and in accordance with child safeguarding policies at Heroes Academy SA.

I agree to comply with Heroes Academy SA Child Safeguarding Policy and behavioural Code of Conduct

I understand that a breach of this Policy or Code of Conduct may provide grounds for my associations with the organization to be terminated. I also understand that the Policy could result in criminal prosecution or internal investigation.

I understand that it is my responsibility, as a person associated with Heroes Academy SA, to use common sense and avoid actions or behaviour’s that are abusive/harmful or exploitative of children or could be constructed/ interpreted as such.

Name of Staff / Representative / Volunteer:

Role/ Title:                                                                                    Signed :       Date :